Friday, October 15, 2004

Why I love Democracy

I got my Election Ballot in the mail today. We in Oregon enjoy a low tech paper and pencil vote by mail option. As a matter of fact, so conditioned am I to this process I could not tell you of an actual polling booth in this state. I have no idea if we use them still.

Not only is the greatness of America summed up in the fact that i can review the ballot while dropping trow over the commode, but the reading material to be found in the Voter's Guide is an amazing tribute to all that is Free Speech. I give you measure 36 . Right in the beginning are a torrent of out of this world arguments in favor. So out of this world are they that they appear, perhaps, fake. And lo, if one reads them all, one finds they are by the same author, and they are all secretly (or not so) designed to sway voter opinion away from voting in favor. Check out the guy's website. Hilarity ensues.

I don't know if the ploy will work on most people. But I think there are probably a few axon-starved fence perchers who might fall from the post on the Against side after reading this.


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