Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Geeking Out Here

This quote from slashdot caused me to nearly rupture my spleen.

"...story running on numerous sites about a study linking cell phone use to DNA Damage. Of course, a recent gammaworld campaign has served to remind me that mutations are almost always beneficial, so there is nothign to fear."

Ah gammaworld. How I miss thee. Gammaworld is (was?) a roleplaying game that took place after a nuclear apocolypse, and you could choose to role play as a Pure Strain Human, or a mutant. Mutants usually had genes spliced from other species, and there were no ill side effects from this. I spent a good deal of time flying about as a half-hawk, or slithering around a a half snake with nary a cell structure change. Clothes were hard to find in my size though.


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