Sunday, October 31, 2004

Any Video Games?

Went into a video game store yesterday with my son. The decor of the place was faux industrial junkyard. Shelves along each wall displayed game after game for a variety of consoles. There were naked cartridges behind glass at the counter. Aliens screamed out of posters. Racecars zoomed across cardboard stand-outs. Young people flitted between the shelves and the front counter. In the back, huge video screens displayed games on demo. I walked over to a shelf and browsed a bit for a Tetris game as my fiancee is quite fond of those.

After a few minutes, my son walks up to me, looks at the games I am looking at and says, "They don't have any games here. We should go to a game store."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love it! such innocence.

2:21 PM  

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