Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Single Click Anonymous Posting

Anonymous comments, though a potential channel for abuse, provide a way to comment on your blog without needing to log into a Blogger account. In my opinion, commenting should be instantaneous and easy. To do this, I coughed up some code so everyone can share in my pain. Feel free to hack away. You'll need to know about blog Ids.

Anonymous comment link (note the &anonymous=y...pretty simple):
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/app/post.pyra?blogid=xxxxxx&postID= <$BlogItemNumber$"> &anonymous=y">Comment Anonymously</a>

To make it easy for people with accounts to sign and comment, here's the analogous link:
<a href="http://www.blogger.com/app/post.pyra?blogid=xxxxxx&postID= <$BlogItemNumber$"> &anonymous=y">comment</a>

And to round out all the possible ways to view or edit comments, you gotta have this:
<a href="<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>#comments">(<$BlogItemCommentCount$> comments currently)</a>

don't forget to style it up with CSS for that look and feel that keeps your reader [sic] coming back.


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