Sunday, November 14, 2004

No Idea Right Now

Today I drove down from Portland to Eugene, and tomorrow morning I will drive back up. Normally I would drive up on Tuesday, but I have jury duty that day, and it starts at 8 in the morning. Today’s drive had a change, though. A coworker of my fiancée’s needed a lift from Portland to Eugene, so I obliged and had an earful of conversation for the whole ride. The young lady just graduated from U of O with an Architecture degree and is looking forward to, well, she has no idea right now. I remember that feeling. “No idea right now.” Funny thing was she tells me about her recent travels to Belize and Central America, about living by herself, about her good job, and then says: “I have too much responsibility. I want less responsibility.”

Wait till she actually has some responsibility, then we’ll talk.

And anyway, without some responsibilities, I think life is less pleasurable, and has fewer benefits. It seems that when I had fewer responsibilities, I was not as fulfilled. I was happy, but not satisfied. Now, with more responsibilities, I am more satisfied. Albeit, I am also more frustrated at times, but it’s a feeling I can handle: responsibility in all things has taught me my capabilities, and I understand those capabilities now to be well above most frustrations.

Or I hope so anyway.


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